Monday, May 19, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Hope is a wish made with determination.  With direction, the wish takes on a possible outcome with reliable signs.  To Hope is not to Manifest.  To Hope is not to Pray.  To Hope, in the purest form, is to apply energy in the direction of intent with the wish that the outcome meets your expectations, knowing that it might not, but seeing it in the highest light anyway.  Hope is one step higher than expectation and many steps below manifestation.

When does Hope serve you?  You have heard that a dear friend has been injured in a terrible accident; you Hope that he is okay.  Inside your thoughts, you see him as okay.  You wish for him to be okay.  You want the outcome to prove that he is okay.  All of this is positive energy directed rightly.

But what happens when your Hope is underscored by dread and fear?  I Hope my friend is okay, but I can’t see how it would be possible after hearing about the accident.  I Hope my friend is okay, but I know he doesn’t do well in an emergency.  I Hope my friend is okay, but what if he didn’t have his medical alert bracelet on?  Do you see?  You give positive reinforcement with one thought and negative reinforcement with the other thought.

To be truly beneficial, Hope must be open-ended.  You are on an island where an active volcano is threatening all; you hope that the Wednesday packet arrives as planned.  Meanwhile, you begin helping the community to build flotation devices and warn those who are elderly or handicapped that you’ll be evacuating.  All of these outcomes could be seen as an affirmative action.  It is both Helpful and Hopeful.

As you have learned in prayer to give thanks for what is, and to ask that things be amended in the picture of Highest Good, Hope does not enter in.  “I hope you heal little Jimmy.  He’s been a good boy.”  Perhaps Jimmy is indeed, a very fine boy.  Perhaps Jimmy and his Creator have chosen this time for him to go home.  This is not a punishment made out of hand to an innocent; it is not a reprisal for bad behavior, or a bad event.  It is an event.  Period.

Are there instances where other factors might be in play concerning Jimmy’s death transition?  Yes.  Hope will not change those circumstances either.  To Hope, without direction, is to take a passive role in your life:  you buy the lottery number 4629 and hope it wins; you hope that your soulmate will be at Friday’s dance; you hope that your garden does well.

Act.  Act.  Act.  You may Act with Hope, yes, but do not Hope without Action.  See the lottery number 4629 winning, envision the meeting of your soulmate and groom yourself for a celebration; give love to the plants in your garden and listen to what they need.  Hope without action is nothing more than the passive-aggressive meanderings of a lazy or underinformed mind.  Sense it; see it; study it; set in motion activities that manifest what you Hope for.

Do you see?  This seems like a small matter of words, but this is a coda for living life well.  Do not hope for things; make things happen.  Don’t hope that one day you’ll have time to play the piano.  Find a teacher and begin lessons.  Don’t hope that one day the right program will enable you to fix your roof; find persons with the skills to do the roof mending and set about discovering a trade of money, goods, or services that would allow this to happen.  Don’t hope that your physical condition will approve according to the doctor’s prescriptions; do well what you know to do and give attention to this daily. 

Hope, guided by intuition and driven by action is what makes Manifestation the powerful tool that it is.  A wise craftsperson studies their craft, uses their tools, and shares those gifts and creations with others for their betterment and joy.  Great All has equipped each of us with a tool box, unique and complete in the beginning, but blessed each time it is expanded and beautified.

How can your Hopes lead you forward?

This interactive piece of art, a Boab Tree installed in South Africa by artist Daniel Popper in 2011, requires spectators to pedal the bicycles in order to light the lights:  see the article at:

(This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.)


Friday, May 16, 2014


The sweetest sound on Earth is the sound of a child's laughter. No matter the age of the listener, their culture, or the time in which they live, this is a sound that brings immediate joy. It is no wonder that laughter is so healing.

When you are glad, you help others to be glad.  When you feel joy, it is contagious.  Let others feel that contagion.  Let its warmth spread, like a golden, molten glow that is welcomed into dark spaces, bidden or not.  Let your light shine that others may not only see it, but feel it as well.

Blessed Be

 This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

    Archives: May 16, 2014 


Digital Photo by Walks With Fire

Thursday, May 15, 2014


A man is coming towards you on a twilight street, shirt askew and bloodied.  Your conditioned response is one of fear, right?  However, the truth is, that this man has just escaped an attacker and is still dazed.  If your conditioned response was one of say, an EMT, or a doctor, how might it be different?  

Your response to anything is conditioned by your beliefs, your sociocultural lens, your desires, and your personal experiences; therefore, all of your responses are conditioned responses.  The point is to understand HOW your responses are conditioned, and how often you react rather than respond.  Test these works in your body as you read them:  Your body will tell you the difference between a conditioned response, a High Mind Response, and a reaction.  

What experiences have conditioned your responses for the subjects we undertake?  
Who and What do you believe that you are?  
From what conditions and which places did your existence arise?  
Who or what is responsible for your making?  
What does living life on Earth mean?  
What does family mean?  
What is the difference between right and wrong and good and evil?  
What is life for?  
Do you need only exist or do you need to accomplish—accomplish what?  

When you can understand first, what your beliefs are regarding these basic tenets of existence, you can begin to understand within what framework your responses are conditioned.  Do you respond to these readings because you have been conditioned to believe that there is a higher authority or wisdom?  Does a hierarchy seem to be the structure through which you understand the order of life?  Do you see how complex this idea of conditioned response/reaction is? 

In your work with others, you are helping them to understand the nature and source of their conditioned responses.  Likewise, they offer you opportunities to study your own conditioned responses and how they inform your life, your behavior, and your actions.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

May 15, 2014

Photo by Samantha Weisburg on Unsplash


Just as the Perceiver brings to the object being perceived, his or her own set of vibrations, the place and time within which the object is perceived also adds to the equation.  Nothing is the same, second to second:  a river, a forest, a square meter of air or soil; You. 

Unending, ubiquitous change is the foundation of Great All and everything encompassed within it.  And while you might measure an object, entity, thought wave, or ghost wave for a base signature, there are many commingled signatures tangled among its interwoven songs, layers that go deeper as you study and search.

For this reason, nothing can be purely pure that we know of—not if you measure pureness as a quantity of isolation and singularity.  Pureness is a concept and theory upon which we build other concepts and theories, which we then use to elucidate principles we wish to explore and/or study. 

For instance:  we make oxygen by combining it in a certain way, and water by combining hydrogen and oxygen in a certain way.  But:  is it that pure or that simple?

How can it be?  How many times have those molecules, as molecules perceiving and being perceived, combining and being uncombined, commingled?  How many pathways did the symbol on the keyboard key, letter‘d’, transverse before it was placed on the keyboard that is under your left middle finger?

Thinking backwards, from the top, you must first consider the paint transfer that proclaims ‘d’:  from whence did those raw materials for the paint come?  Who mined them?  Who discovered them?  Who transmuted and combined them?  Who packaged and produced and promoted and sold the paint as a product and to whom?  Who marketed and billed and advertised and shipped that product(s)?  Who made the planes and trucks that moved that product(s) and all of their parts and all of the aspects of their fuel and licenses and regulations and communications and advertising and contracts and roadways and unions?  Who made the computers who oversaw all of these processes, and who moved them in similar planes and trucks with similar needs?

And who went into the forests to gather raw materials to produce the paper to print the supporting documentation on?  Who were the worms and the lichen who worked with the trees in those forests and what other minerals in the rocks worked with that limestone in the earth to bring forward the white pigment?  How did oxygen and gravity and the sun and moon contribute?  How many fallen ancestors have left mortal remains that echo in that pigment?


It is an exhaustive search for the mind alone to track something back to its smallest sources, only to discover that the line you have followed is so long it was not possible to see the arc.  You are following a circle, a lemniscate, a perpetuating cycle of one thing feeding into another, destroying and remaking as it goes. 

                                                   Singularity is not.

Therefore, it is not possible to cite all of the ways, all of the means, and all of the energies and vibrations who contribute to any one thing—for there isn’t any One Thing.

There Isn’t Any One Thing.

There Isn’t Any One Thing.

In the Great All, Everything is Connected
and this is but one example.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Who is the Sleeping Beauty?  More appropriately, What is the Sleeping Beauty?  Unlike fairy tables and fables, who liken Sleeping Beauty to a princess awaiting to be awaken by an external force, both the princess and her rescuer live inside you . . . simultaneously wandering, and at some point meeting, assessing, and hopefully, coming together in a meaningful way to complement one another.

Who will rescue your Sleeping Beauty?  You will. 
Why is that royal personage inside you sleeping?  What part of you is left wandering the dark woods, searching and untethered, looking for that lock into which the key may be inserted?  How do you bring together such certain partners?

We all sense this greater thing, this Higher Self . . . a greater connection and access to what is wiser and more meaningful.  Sometimes it glimmers just out of sight, like sunrise through the trees.  As the Earth turns, so does this Light.  You need not “go” looking for it.  Open yourself to the miracle.  The Sleeping Beauty is inside you.

The ‘rescuer’ is inside you.  You are the Prince and the Princess.  You are the light and the dark.  You are the up and the down.  Let the Light inside you connect to the Light of Great All.  You do not need to go seeking for this.  It is there, and wise.

Open.  Surrender.  Let the Light inside you do what it does.  Let its wisdom play host and teacher for you as it was meant to do:  that is your Prince.  It awakes the sleeper.

See yourself as that full Avatar, a glorious being of Light, shining Eternal.  Let that cosmic body that is you open, extend, and fully connect to what is without your mortal flesh.  You need not instruct it; it will instruct you by your surrender and expansion.

Open your eyes, Sleeping Beauty, and gaze upon Eternity . . .

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

Monday, May 12, 2014



Lo and behold, there came rain to the desert, pushing up from parched soil both Lily and Bell. The sweet ringing could be heard at the clifftops and those who could hear knew that their time had come. Like anchors struck on the bottom, the Watchers of that first shift had been steadfast, and blessed in that they did stay where they were bade and did not flee in the face of adversity.
So that wind was a sweet wind, carrying honey, filled with love, with laughter, erasing all doubt. They were not forgotten. And God lifted them up, and made unto them a great feast, and to that plain sent Children who would do the same, from the blooming unto the death. These are cycles of existence. Like Acts of a Play, different metres for different purposes.

               --And so, first the prologue, where we come to the characters, their aspects; setting the stage. Act One introduces the goals, and their possible impediments. Act Two introduces those energies, persons and perceptions that work directly against these goals (we are now in this phase), and Act Three becomes a tableau wherein the very core of Dark and Light struggle to wrest away the control from the other.  In the final Act, we have met with our Character’s flaws, tested his strengths, and abided by while those Opponents work against his will, his fears and doubts, his Earthly weaknesses.

The Final Act is unwritten. Many stories must merge, and every Spirit living in this play must have the opportunity to reprise their roles, to repeat their cases until they are worthy of the highest rewards: if it is their wish to do so. So many languish, never knowing the stage, or the lights, or the words that can be spoken and filled with such light as the vessel can barely hold them. For we say unto all of these Actors on that Stage: Do not utter lines, dead words wrought from history.

Forge History.
Be thou that vessel which holdeth the Light of God, 
and therefore, alive with HIS WORDS. 
Be that Character and be thou Blessed unto thy family 
and Blessed unto thine world. 
Be that Vessel 
and be liken unto the Hand of God.


**** My Guides in 2011 were much more strident and less humorous than the ones working with me now. Their communications were often 'Heavenly' and sometimes very old-world compared to my contemporary Tribe members of today. I do not doubt that my Guides have always been of the same Tribe, but I do think that I get matched with different, individual Guides for different reasons and different messages, as it becomes appropriate. (Either way, I am thankful for their constant support and love in my life.) 
. . . I had just lost five very close family members to sudden death in 2010-2011, and had prepared a sermon for my baby niece's funeral, partially from the bible, when I received this transmission. I took it as a message of hope, and hopefully, others will, too. Many of my messages during that time had the feeling of being spoken "from the mouths of angels." We are perpetually surrounded by those high and loving beings. They believe in us, whether or not we believe in them . . .
Call them Angels, or anything you like. They feel like more than, and apart from, other members of my Tribe. I can't describe them or explain them, and won't try. They are. And it was They who urged me to dig into my archives and make this specific post this morning. For You. You who are reading this post this morning. One person. They send their Love and Light to You that you might know Hope even in your Despair.

****This is a Direct Voice Communication 
from my Tribe, archives of 2011,
from the Instruction Manual
as dictated to me by my Guides at that time.

May 12, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014


What is Mothering?  This morning, we will not include the process of Gestation, the growing in the dark of new life.  We speak of the nurturing of new life, and the bringing forth of the female qualities of life in the great homogeneous span of the Great All.  The spectrum of this process is quite wide and varied, from starseeds that follow an internal directive fueled by their own bodies to mammals who care for young many years after their birth.

How does the job of Mothering accomplish, and how is it different from Fathering?  First, let us do a study of polarities and the female and male energy principals:  Female energy is dark and sinking, womblike, close and circular; Male energy moves outward and upward; it searches and reaches, spearlike and piercing.  This is why in so many civilizations, females have kept home and hearth, while males have done the work outside.

However, Mothering is not so simple.  It is not so singular, sleek or clean.  It is not so gender aligned nor so insular.  Does not a Father do some share of the Mothering?  Does not a neighbor or a teacher do some share of Mothering, even if they are childless?  Mothering is a feeling, a quality, a purpose, a ritual, and a rite.  It is a channel that is fed by intuition, tradition, and energetic principles as they are bent and adapted to the environment at hand.

If you are reading this, you had a Mother.  How were you Mothered?  By whom and by what?  How has it influenced your outlook on the world and your Cosmology?  How do you Mother, yourself and others, because of these influences?  Understand the function of your form, and how your form causes you to function.  How much of this can be related to Mothering?

On this, the day dedicated to Mothers, reflect on Mothering.  What does this mean to you and how does it contribute to Who and What you are?  At the very least, remember your Earth Mother and her constant, unfailing contribution to your existence. 

Stop and give thanks—to Gaia, and to all of the Mothers, 
and to all them who Mother in the name of Love.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash