Sunday, May 11, 2014


The healthy regard for the aspects for another; that is Respect.  Make no assumptions.  Have no expectations.  Have Expectations only for your Self.  When you regard that the aspects of another are unclean and/or to be avoided, you will respect that Other with these conditions in mind.  Still, that salutation opined is a form of Respect.  Do you see?

Respect your Earth Mother:  regard Her aspects.  She is the living organism that provides for the needs of your mortal body.  She has provided for the material construction OF your mortal body.  She provides the water and food for your nourishment and the shelter that you require.  She provides your medicines and your communities.  She anchors you in gravity and oxygen and provides for you a space to receive sunshine.  Regard Her aspects.  She is mighty and wild and full of unconditional love.

Respect your Fear: regard its aspects.  It will show you both your strength and your challenges.  It will show you both your dark corners and your light alleyways.  It will show you what you gain through power and what you gain through surrender.

Respect your Love: regard its aspects.  It will show you both your strength and your challenges.  It will show you both your dark corners and your light alleyways.  It will show you what you gain through giving and what you gain through receiving.

Respect your Community: regard its aspects.  The Song of your Community contains the notes that you contribute to it.  How love you your Community’s aspects, and how do you not?  How can its aspects teach you to contribute, lead, and take away differently that you do now?

Respect your Life: regard its aspects.  Do not assume there will be one day more.  Listen to the Song of your Life through the Song of your Heart and Life Eternal.  What is it telling you?  Did you wake to regrets?  What Fears can you kill Today?  What Surrenders can you make?  What Love can you grow?

Respect your Self: regard Your aspects.  You are unique in all of Creation.  While there is a constant thread that moves through you, uniting you with every other aspect of Great All, You have something to contribute that no one else can.  Rise to that.  Rise to your best Self.  Embrace the idea that you were made of Love, with Love, and for the Highest Purpose.  Be That.

Respect Who You Are, What You Are, Where You Are, and everything that you interact with and connect to.  That is, consider the aspects of what is this Life, and respond with Love.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


When you speak truth with economy and forethought of matters that are uplifting and helpful, you provide great service.  Beware, however, that you do not speak in empty phrases, circularly, or in euphemisms.  Do not make a game of words and emotions.  Do not manipulate.

A Felicity given with words does not guarantee happiness, but a proper skill with words can reflect the understanding of the matter about which one speaks.  We have all heard empty phrases in such great quantity that they no longer have meaning; they have become space holders:  “How nice to meet you.”  “Wonderful to see you again.”  “We should get together.”  “I’m sorry for your loss.”  “That must make you very happy.”

We follow certain etiquettes as we have been taught, according to our time and our culture.  Think about your language and your phrasing, particularly the phrases that you repeat whole, mimicking others.  What do they mean . . . and more importantly, do you mean them?

Will you employ Felicity as a gift for communication, bringing happiness through real connections and proper language?  Or will you offer empty Felicitations, echoes of other empty phrases that have gone before, empty calories for a starving people?

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Photo by Louis-Etienne Foy on Unsplash

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Precision is a falsehood when used interchangeably with perfection.  Perfection, if it exists, is known by and accomplished by, only the Supreme Creator.  The more you strive for Perfection, the more you live by false standards.  Precision, however, is a set of standards by which you contract yourself to do the highest work possible:  The Highest Work Possible.

The Highest Work Possible is not Perfect Work.  It is the best work that you are capable of at any given time.  You must factor into your formula, your current conditions:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual abilities; your resources, to include, but not limited to: time, money, training, awareness, assistance, and scope; and your place in time and space, which is self-explanatory.

Precision is therefore, the precise following of the goal-set that you have put forth to work toward.  It is a pathway on which you labor, all the while agreeing to be true to the set of principles you have set out for your work and the end product that the work is leading you to.  Precision does not cut corners or make excuses—nor does it assign blame—even for the blaming of Self.

Be Precise.  Use Precision.  And let Precision use You.  
Surrender to Precision for one day and 
notice how it changes the accessibility and ease of your tasks.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash


You look into the water and see it brimming with activity.  The thrashing of tail and spine makes ominous signs at the surface of the water’s boiling pot.  Danger, it says.  You would not willingly place your hand into that fray.  But what of the still water, with the sun making a golden basket of light down to its sandy bottom, highlighting the open oyster with its magnificent pearl sitting in lustrous splendor on that bed?

How long would you pause before you reached down into those waters and plucked up that pearl from such a bucolic scene?  And how surprised would you be when the waiting shark, who was anchored just beyond the waving meadow of greenery, sliced away your arm?  Like the lamb to slaughter, ‘they’ would say.  The thing ‘you didn’t see coming.’  Is that true?  Or was the waiting pearl ‘too good to be true’?

The glass is half full.  The glass if half empty.  Two ways to think.  Both are appropriate, depending on the circumstance.  When you are guided by Spirit in all ways, spontaneity can be a beautiful condition—the glass half full.  When you are guided by Ego in all ways, spontaneity contains many pitfalls—the glass half empty.  As you navigate your days, which voice is stronger in your internal dialogue?

You are working in your yard, turning over and moving large rocks, often with your face low to the ground.  At some point you stop, suddenly deciding to follow your intuition and use a hoe to turn over the remaining rocks.  Three rocks later, you uncover a nest of baby rattle snakes, who come out snapping.  Had your face been low to the ground, you would have been bitten, perhaps fatally, but you listened to your intuition.

Was your intuition informed by your own high mind, by your guides, by Snake Mind, or by a commingling of all three?  Is the glass half empty (danger)?  Or is the glass half full (method to stay safe)?

This is one example in an endless variety of such:  the difference between the glass being half full and half empty as your perception.  Both are appropriate and valid.  But . . . what if you turned from that polarized thinking and began thinking instead:  the glass is half-filled, neither half-empty nor half-full?

You are a Spirit living in a Body having a Human experience in a Mortal, Physical World.  Therefore, your glass, your vessel, is filled with the fluid, moving, Spirit of You that is Eternal.  Some days your glass will feel nearly full and some days nearly empty.  Some days, you will wonder whether you are more Spirit or more Mortal:  glass more filled or more empty.  Your perceptions and experience will reflect this condition, and these ruminations.

Some days, you will perceive the Water of You to be like that bucolic scene, golden and undisturbed, without the shark—some days, quiet but disturbing, with something lurking at its edges (shark hidden just out of sight).  Some days, you will perceive the Water of You to be like that boiling pot, where lures have been thrown in to draw destruction and change.  You must not only decide what the quantity of water is in your glass, but what the condition of water is in your glass.  This is a more important self-reflection.

The greater the quantity of water in your glass, the greater grows the ability of your glass to withstand the internal pressures of that water.  Do you see?  Take all of the world’s waters and contain them in a glass:  all of their depths and histories and storms.  How strong is that glass?  When the water is shallow in the glass, no great strength is needed.  Throw in the lures and create a feeding frenzy in a tempored glass and that glass will hold.

When the water in glass grows deeper by degree, the feeding frenzy created by the lures creates more pressure.  The glass must now withstand more force.  The “Tempest in the Teapot” might take on tsunami proportions.  It is no longer a matter of glass-half-full or glass-half-empty, but of temporing the glass for the storms of Life.

The tempored glass can take beautiful shapes and remain strong.  It contains its own worlds.  It has its own resonance.  The tempored glass not only withstands the storms it is made subject to, it weaves symphonies as the lightning strikes its courses through the waters.  It becomes a brilliant microcosm inside a macrocosm—of proportions liken to infinity mirrors in a cosmos of rare other factors.

How grows and tempors your glass and the waters in it?  When your storms settle, how look your scenes?  Do not worry over whether your glass is half full or half empty, but how well your glass withstands the its volumes.  What forms arise in you by these trials?  Do you become more narrow in order to keep out the seas?

Or do you expand, and invite inside yourself the deeper exploration of what is yet unknown to you?  The Siren’s Song sings sweetest to the vessel who invites its voice.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014


Banners are mediums for proclamation.  They may state our affiliation, and concomitantly, our beliefs.  Secondary to that, is our style of dress, personal presentation, body language, and so forth—our person Banner(s).  How invested are you in the Banners that you fly?  Do you know their deeper meanings, and are you fully, consciously aware of their superficial meanings and how the Banners are perceived?

Just as we often follow the tenets and dogma of structured beliefs that may no longer fit us—or have never fit us—we often find ourselves living and working under a Banner that is just as false.  How do you identify yourself?  Which affiliations with which Banners do you speak of when you are introduced to another person?  How do you use them to help explain your current roles in life?

Example:  I am a human/ I am a woman/ I am a daughter/ I am a sister/ I am a girlfriend/ I am a wife/ I am a mother/ I am a teacher/ I am a liberal/ I am a conservative/ I am a Christian/ I am a Buddhist/ I am a community organizer/ I am a hermit/ I am an extrovert/ 
I am an introvert/ I am a believer in all things natural/ 
I am a believer in all things progressive and new

How many roles do you play in this life and how many Banners do you display to announce these roles?  Study them for authenticity.  How many did you take on due to tradition and the expectations of others . . . and how many are genuine and high-thinking, and support you on an empowered pathway?

Banners are flown to separate, differentiate, and rally.  A Banner used to gather like minds to a like purpose is a powerful instrument.  How often have they been flown to announce harm?  Think through the annals of your human history.  On how many battlefields, did a banner fly to announce an aggressor and defender?  How many times has a Banner announced annihilation?

All Banners are used to separate, differentiate, and rally.  If you do not clearly, truly, understand the deep meanings of the Banners that you fly, you are advertising to the world a falseness—one that is perhaps, harmful.  What you advertise yourself to be is quite often the only thing that people perceive you to be.  How goes your campaign?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Photo by Liam Desic on Unsplash

Sunday, May 4, 2014


How did we and our world come to be?  From what complex system of thought, desire, or construction did we arise?  And why?

This is a question as old as Life.  When one stops twirling through the daily tasks, by choice or chance, thoughts intrude.  What is Life?  Why am I part of it?  What does IT mean?  Over the millennia of existence, many conjurations have arisen to address these questions. 

However:  is this question a helpful one, 
or is it a distraction?

Does it matter so much how we came to be here, as does the blessing of being here?  Whatever the Cosmogenesis of the Universe and everything that we know it includes (and everything outside it that cannot be mentally conceived), we find ourselves lucky enough to be part of it. 

To be alive is a glory.  To be awake and aware of being alive is a miracle.

If we could answer the questions for you:  how were you begun and why, beyond what we know of being Sung into Creation by Divine Parents, would it matter to you today, sitting here at this keyboard, looking at this screen, with the sun bright on the fields outside?  People believe that understanding Cosmogenesis brings with it understanding of Life and Its purpose, but all that knowledge would truly bring is justification for intelligent existence.

Do you need justification to feel joy and purpose?  Even here, one click away from you, there is much debate about Cosmogenesis.  How did the Great All begin . . . and Why?  Perhaps there is an answer, and the information is above the ‘pay grade’ of everyone in Tribe de Cumbria.  Perhaps that information is available only to initiates who are far removed from the human planes and factions of these worlds within which we communicate.

Does life feel random to you?  That is an important question.  
Why are you?  That is an interesting question.  
How are you?  That is a contemplation of respect.   
If you knew how we all began, and who or what began the Beginner, 
how would it change who you are and what you do? 
 How would you live your life differently?

Religion has created overlapping mythologies to describe their ideas of Cosmogenesis.  Did the founders do it to express deeper intuition, put into words some prophetic visions, or did they make a first statement that was intended to ease the mind and create a foundation on which to build their dogma?  “In the beginning . . .”  You are no accident, they say.  You were created (and in some cases, you are therefore, owned by your Creator).  You are part of a larger game and you must follow the game rules.

Your Cosmology arises from your ideas around Cosmogenesis.  Contemplate Cosmogenesis at your own risk—but when you are so engaged, use that time to understand the Beliefs hiding behind the Beliefs that are again, hiding behind Beliefs.  Bring them into the Light.

How does your Cosmology serve you, and others?  Does your Cosmology harmonize with your idea of Cosmogenesis?  How?  How does your Cosmology conflict with your idea of Cosmogenesis?  And finally, who and what have you become, as of today, because of these beliefs?

The most important contemplation related to the idea and vibration of Cosmogenesis is individual.  Who have you become since Becoming?  And who are you Becoming based on your Beliefs and Actions?  You can only begin from Here, where you are now, today.

Apply Cosmogenesis to your Self and see what happens.  If Heaven is indeed, inside us, then certainly, so is Eden.

Blessed Be 

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

     May 14, 2014

Photo provided by Walks With Fire


Saturday, May 3, 2014


We all recognize System Failure.  Sometimes it’s unavoidable.  Having reached the end of a serviceable lifespan, working parts begin to slow and snag, eventually failing.  This describes both mechanical machinery and systems of varying social, emotional, and belief construct—of both the individual and the community aggregate.  Without doubt, this describes an aspect currently at work in your life.

Let us say that you personally employ a system of communication that allows you to negotiate unpleasant people—avoidance.  Now, having enjoyed a system failure at your most recent job, you have stepped into a new one and are surrounded by a variety of new, unpleasant people.  Avoidance, your comfortable, worn-in, and relied-upon system cannot serve you in your new position.  Your avoidance system quickly fails.

Will you fail too—or will you attempt to succeed by constructing a new system by which you will negotiate these unpleasant people in your new job?  Let us say that you choose to succeed, reaching out for resources that include books, workshops, and professional advice.  You return to the workplace so armed, and find that your efforts pay you beyond the hoped for results—you are paid by adding to your personal cache, skills that ease your ways in other aspects of life.

System Failure is not synonymous with Life Failure.  Quite often, it is an indication that it is time to move to the next level.  Mostly likely, you’ve had options available for moving to the next level for quite some time, but have ignored those options.  System Failure takes you to the brink, removing all choices.  At the edge of the cliff, with no backward movement available, the movement left to you is the Leap of Faith (or Leap of nonFaith).

In retrospect, most people are amazed by how long they trumbled by, making do with faulty systems and equipment.  No longer supported by, or even believing in, the systems in which they were invested, they still showed up every day to pay their dues.  Why?  Does the phrase, “The devil you know . . .” sound familiar?

People stay in harmful relationships, work in dulling jobs, pay empty praise to false gods, and give energy to destructive community rituals—all for the sake of avoiding the unknown.  FEEL what you do, and what you think, and how you believe, in your body.  How does it live there?  How does your Spirit FEEL about the house guests that you invite inside yourself?

Your beliefs are more than thoughts.  Your deeds are more than actions.  It is our nature to need passion of purpose.  Feel it truly.  Do not approximate it!  Do not worship false ideas and trod false pathways, telling yourself that what you feel is purpose, when what it is you feel is tradition, a human construction of repetition.  Human traditions are diverse and ever changing.  They are false and illusional, founded in cultural stigma, dogma, and miasmic tones of narrow minded thinking.  They are used to control.

Your divine purpose is grounded in Truth.  Truth, as it exists in the Divine, IS the Everlasting, in the Eternity of the Great All.  This is not a fount that spews forth ubiquitous and conflicting ideas of how a human should dress and speak and genuflect.  Do not confuse what is human with what is Eternal.  Do not attempt to govern Spirit by attempting to disguise its power and connection.  This is like attempting to separate and name the molecules of a star, and continue separating them into smaller and smaller sub-groupings, which develop a desire to differentiate.

Look at your life today.  In which areas are you experiencing System Failure?  Choose one.  Before this system fails you, look at some higher ways to serve your Life and the Great All with a system of belief and action that better reflects service and wholeness.

Be the person in the perfect relationship, if only with oneself.  Be the person in the perfect job, if only with oneself.  Be the person whose thoughts and actions are harmonious to the Seated Soul.  Listen to your Spirit.  Let it guide your mortal life.  This does not guarantee an easier way, but it does ensure one that is genuine.

Blessed Be 

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

     Archives: May 3, 2014

 Digital photo by Walks With Fire