Friday, May 2, 2014


At what point in a process may you stop and say ‘no’? This, of course, depends on the process, why you accepted and why you now decline. A birthing mother may not stop in the process of delivery and say no. A trapeze acrobat, once launched into the air, cannot say no. Likewise, once you are seated as a passenger on a plane or a rocketship, you cannot say no.
Those circumstances are extreme. For most events, you retain the ability to say no up to, and including, the final moments of its playing out in your life. You may also decrease your involvement or exposure to a situation, or change how you expose or involve yourself in a situation. The latter would be more of a Declination, a turning aside or bending away from the straight line that is the original intention.
This is often used in matters of poor Self Will, Self Esteem, and bad follow through, but it can serve a Higher Purpose. If you have come to a new concept or idea and finding an initial thrall, have driven yourself towards it quickly, you might suddenly begin feeling that this new concept is not what it first seemed. Perhaps you believed that it was a silk purse, but on closer examination, you find that it is a sow’s ear.
Maybe the new concept is a dogma that will replace an arthritic old idea with a new idea just as finite and misleading. Perhaps the concepts are yet too complex for this moment in time. If you have turned by degree towards this new concept, you can now begin turning away, in a reverse Suppination, or Pronation, declining interaction with its precepts.
Declination can be a direct refusal, but think of it more as part of a dance—the glancing, angled backstep. Declination gives you time to study the aspects ahead from a safe distance.
Most of us have been wisely schooled to know our opposition. Be wise enough to study your allies as well.

Blessed Be 

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

     Archives: May 2, 2014

Digital Photo by Walks With Fire

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Sometimes, the best way to view a situation is slantwise. 
Viewing it straight on may require too much attention, energy, immediate change, 
or protective measures from possible impact—liken to looking without protection 
at a solar eclipse. Mythologies are rife with such stories, but they are rooted in Truth.

Supination is the attenuation of a part, in rotation or otherwise, that brings its aspects forward in comparison to another aspect. To be face forward, or face-up, is to be Supine; to be facing backward is to be prone, in language meant mostly in the conditions of lying down or reclining. We use this term today to specifically make a point: how to safely move from a slantwise or backward viewpoint to one that is straight on and forward--in order to study something as yet unknown or new.

When one determines to view a solar eclipse, there are measures taken to protect the eyes. Likewise, when one determines to confront a certain level of Unknowns, or even High Truths and Realities, measures should be taken to protect the personal energy body and the current status quo of same.

Outside rare instances of Divinely-given metamorphic remodeling, care must be used to shift vibrations incrementally, allowing the personal biology to increase in tandem with quantum growth. Supination allows for this. Once you have become aware of a greater vibration in your field of consciousness, the module of containment may be little more than a tantalizing blip on your horizon. It may shimmer in the periphery of your awareness or vision; you may feel it in your biology, emotions, or intellect.  

What happens if you immediately turn toward it and confront? The outcomes will be many, and highly personal, and some of the outcomes could be considered negative and/or destructive.

It is liken to the young music student mastering the scales: so longing to play at a level currently above his or her ability, the student constantly avoids the foundational work and flies ahead, trying to mimic more experienced musicians, missing the growth and discipline that will make the very thing he or she craves possible for the future.

Or like the dancer, who overstretches, longing for the difficult moves, and damages their body for future dance by attempting master moves before they are ready. Do not stare bare-eyed into the sun. When new possibilities arise, use a slantwise perspective of study. What is this new idea? How does it resonate with you and your goals?  Why is it meeting with you and your purpose now? How might it change your future?

As you consider this new chance to co-create and grow, begin to turn towards it incrementally. Supinate. Rotating and Lifting, all the while listening, assess these new ideas. If its attraction is real and good and meant to coalesce with your purpose, you will soon be facing it and taking it into your person as part of your self.

If your studies and ruminations prove out that this spectre on your horizon
 is not meant for you, move past it. Remove it from your field of influence. 
No harm will have occurred, because you have not taken into your field, 
wrong ideas and agendas. Remember: you are your own marshal and master.

You determine for yourself 
what has merit and by which
 measures you will grow and be known.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

REPRINT: April 27, 2014

Photo by Vincenzo Malagoli on Unsplash
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Saturday, April 26, 2014


When progress stops and we slide backward into old habits, it may be said that we are experiencing Retrograde Motion.  What is happening?  Can progress be unmade?

Or are we being re-tested?

When one thinks of Life’s great engine and its mechanics, you might see literally, the microcosm and macrocosm of its working parts fitting and working together in harmony and in dys-harmony as the ages pass.  Perhaps you have made repairs to your own working machinery as you have found its dys-functions or dys-harmonies, believing that you may now proceed unimpeded, forever free of that condition in your future.

Alas . . . you might find that the old fear, mythology, reaction, anger, bias, prejudice, or hatred rises again.  This time, however, you see it for what it is.  You see it earlier and more clearly.  Perhaps you are able to see it immediately, even as it is affecting you.  Why then, does it have the power to affect you, if this is so?

Are you slipping into a backward state of affairs?  Are you regressing?  No.  You are simply revisiting a known condition and comparing it against today’s different (and hopefully, Higher) abilities.  How do you handle these potential pitfalls today as compared to yesterday?  Are you better able today to respond rather than to react?

When you find yourself in Retrograde Motion, do not be alarmed.  Use this opportunity to test yourself and your Higher skills.  Can you be as Mentor rather than Student?  Advisor rather than Seeker?

Can you use Retrograde Motion, a time of suspension and illusion, to dispel the mythology of backward motion and instead embrace it as a time of accomplishment?  The answer is:  Yes.

Blessed Be 

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

     April 26, 2014

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash


Friday, April 25, 2014


Your Tribe, or personal Spirit Guides (if you prefer), are your Surety in this life.  They are there for you in all things, mundane and otherworldly.  Speak to your Tribe as you speak to your Beloved.  Share your joys with them as well as your sorrows and your challenges.

What is it that besets you or gives you trouble?  With Surety, answers can come more quickly, more pathways can open, cross, and become more apparent, and in more benevolent ways.  When you help keep open the communications between your consciousness and your Higher Guides, those ways become facilitated, and your Tribe will ‘stand for you’ in times when you cannot stand for yourself (with your permission, of course . . .).

We do not imply that you give your Spirit Guides the power to speak FOR you, or to act FOR you, but that you engage Them as co-creating helpers and encourage them to offer options, create shortcuts, and make connections for you from their longer ranges of sight and abilities.  It is the difference between making a trip in your car to the library and looking something up there at the reference desk—on your next available day that falls on the library’s next available day—and waiting for the reference material to arrive so that you can pick it up again in your car in another such available meeting of windows:  as compared to making a few clicks on your computer to access the same (or better) information.

Do you see?  It is a matter of more efficiently accessing information—getting to the heart of things, so that you can apply your wisdom and decision-making more expediently.  Will this work flawlessly each time you engage the progress?  No, of course not.  Sometimes, the information you seek is actually on the road, in your car to the library, in the parking lot, in the library building, at the reference desk, or at the restaurant where you stop to have lunch while you are out.

Still, with Surety, you have an underwriter standing at your back, helping to push you along, helping you to co-create and move through the many choices you make as you live your life.  With Time accelerating, Surety is a wonderful asset indeed.

Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

April 25, 2014

photo Jennifer Delmar on UNsplash

Thursday, April 24, 2014


To Dance is Divine, Elemental . . . and Sacred.  Like Intuition, it is inborn, and the greater part of it is remembering and surrendering to its form, rather than study.  However, for certain types of Dance, specific elements and languages of Dance, study is required.  That is the Dance that we speak of today.

Let us say that you want to learn the Dance of Tango.  First, you must be aware that there is a Dance of Tango.  You must be able to identify it and call Its name.  You must decide what It is, and why it is, you long to Dance this language.  What is it, when watching and listening to the Dance of Tango that inspires you to learn Its language?

As a student, you will find a teacher, studying first perhaps, in a group, and later in a one-on-one mentorship.  Your movements will involve forward steps, backward steps, sideways steps, and twirling that could make you dizzy.  At times you will be exhilarated and confidant and at other times, you will feel perplexed and dumb footed.  You might wonder why you thought you could succeed at such a Dance.

Such is the learning of any Language.  Sometimes you move forward, sometimes back or sideways, and sometimes you will spin with dizziness.  As long as you continue to pursue this Language, progress is being made.  Only quitting impedes progress.  Only quitting insures failure.  Missteps are merely part of the process of learning.

What Language are you in the process of learning now?  Are the steps of your Dance with the Sacred moving you backward, forward, sideways, and circularly on a daily basis, or is the rhythm slower?  Tune into the rhythm of your Dance and become One with Its Heartbeat.  How does Its Music speak to Yours?

We are all Dancing with the Sacred.  Engage.  
Do not sit at the sidelines, waiting and wishing.  
Allow yourself to hear the Music.  
Listen Deeply.  Breathe now.  Move.

Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

   April 24, 2014

photo Walks With Fire

Sunday, April 20, 2014


The implied authority, external force, or dominance, of another, is sometimes referred to as Hegemony.  Often, it is invisible.  Often, it has shaped your Beliefs and yet, you are unaware of it.  Why do you celebrate the Christian ritual that is called Easter?  How did this ritual come to be linked with the mystical rising of the Christian prophet, Yeshua?  And how did that date become enmeshed with the Gaelic/ Earth custom that worships the female deity known as Oestre (spelled many ways***), representative of fertility and the Spring Equinox?

How has that further devolved into the customs that you might follow today, with its various rituals and robing, candies, ceremonies, foods and such?  Is it possible that the Hegemony present in your current culture has influenced you, and that you now blindly follow its dictates?  Do you do as your parents have done, and their parents, and their parents before them, making only minor revisions?

What do you feel as you follow in the footsteps of those who have followed these ceremonies and rituals before you?  You may draw semblances.  The Earth and the Prophet are both sleeping and then arise.  Eggs emerge from the womb of Earth, reminders of spring and fertility.  Rabbits procreate rapidly; another symbol of fertility and plenty.  You meet in your communities to feast, celebrating the return of abundance.  But:  what do you feel?  Does doing these things move you?

How close to your roots do you feel as you move through these actions?  Is it meaningful, or is it another obligation, another expense, another travel to be taken, another group to be suffered, another day lost, or another day to put off what is really meaningful to you?  What motivating factors drive you to continue participating in things that do not resonate with your current Beliefs and Truths?

We do not advise you to make changes, today.  We do not advise you to develop new beliefs or to convert others to new ideas, or to disarticulate their current ideas.  We advise you to take stock of how you invest your energies.  More kilo hours of energy are spent on wasted concerns than could be believed--until you stop, look, and assess how you distribute yourself across the planes of your life.  Listen.  Your mortal life is ticking away.  Day by day, your ultimate horizon grows nearer.

Will you have spent your days there consumed by lies and self-delusion?  Wake up to your own games.  We do not tell you what to Believe.  We urge you to discover for yourself what you Believe, and Why.  What Hegemonies rules you Now, Today?

Break the hold of external mythologies upon your personal powers.  Free yourself.

 Blessed Be This Day

 This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

April 20, 2014

Digital Art by Walks With Fire

Saturday, April 19, 2014


What happens when your current Purpose dulls?  Lacking the satisfaction it once offered, you now feel as if you’re going through the motions, following a fake ambition, producing false products.  You find yourself outside the beautiful Eden you once thought limitless.  What is happening?

Purpose shifts many times in your Life, though you may not think of it that way.  When reviewing your personal history, you may see your Life in movements or acts or chapters.  If you look closely at the rhythms of how you have acted, believed, and made choices, you will see that you have evolved through many versions of yourself in this mortal Lifetime alone.  It is meant to be thus.

What good would come of a Life spent believing one thing in one way, and in pursuing it with one method, over all of Time?  How could growth occur?  If you are feeling the peeling away of the outermost layers of your Self, you are entering the ‘Next’ place of growth, becoming larger than the skin that now constrains you.

Do you find yourself punishing and regretful, saddled with circular thoughts that are painful and dark?  Does the place in which you now acknowledge yourself to be, suddenly seem foreign and hostile?  These are signs that your Templates need re-tooling; that it is time for Repurposing both your mechanics and your essence towards higher vibrations.  As you begin to shift, lower rates of vibration become grating, like a hairshirt against soft skin.

You may feel angry, sad, self-punishing, lethargic, and anxious.  As you accept the Higher version of your Self, your lower Self revolts.  It has become accustomed to what-is and how-is and where-is.  Lower Self does not want to change.  Change requires movement and stress and trial, over and over again.  Lower Self prefers its complacency.

Use a Time of Repurposing to review what has gone before, but as a neutral observer as much as possible.  Could you have made better decisions in matters past?  Quite likely, yes.  As the past cannot be changed, interwoven as it is with Great All and its codependent and symbiotic inhabitants, accept that you are flawed and growing, and that you can improve upon yesterday’s decisions with the greater wisdom and compassion afforded by today’s Higher States.

Allowing yourself to be dragged down and under the thrall of ‘what-was’ and ‘what-could-have-been’ is a fruitless and limiting pursuit.  The only thing that it changes is the speed at which you are able to move forward—and move forward you will—no matter how slowly you proceed.  So, accept the Past as work finished and proceed into your Future armed with the lessons gained.

Repurpose consciously and move that much closer, that much faster, to the Divine.

Blessed Be,

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

April 19, 2014

Digital Art by Walks With Fire