Thursday, April 10, 2014


What is it to Believe one thing or another thing?  What is a Belief? 
  Is it an idea we have formed on our own, a sociocultural mantra, or a core Truth?

Belief is all and none of those things.  When you look into the minutiae of thought you will see that it is congregated groups of glandular cause and effect and intellectual programming.  Belief is a pathology—quite different from Faith.  Belief is built on reactions to stimuli, such as repetition from external sources or internal thought processing, and is much more shallow than Faith, for Belief lives in the mind and Faith lives in the Heart and Soul.

When someone’s Belief is destructive to the Spirit and Soul, is this serving a Divine purpose?  Is this part of the temporing process, providing Great All’s children with self-destructive and blind fantasies?  Sometimes, yes.  But wrong teaching, when it is knowingly wrong, especially to those of new consciousness, is very destructive.  (The monsters will not carry you away if you don’t eat all of your vegetables.)

So how do we teach the difference between Faith and Belief and Truth?  How do we help people in Earth School confront what they Believe, and teach them that it does not necessarily reflect Truth?  Do we confront and belittle (negative and likely ineffective); do we show by example (yes), or do we actively assist in untangling the mystery that is the human mind and its filters?  YES.

When you help expose people to their own myths, they experience huge shifts in both Belief and Faith.  This is the quickest route.  To do so lovingly, by exposing ignorance to the Light of knowledge, allows the mind to do its own discovery.  The consciousness makes its adjustments and recalibrates itself to Spirit.  Each of you have felt this yourself.

The Epiphany.  It moves through your body like a wave.  What was unknown to the conscious mind suddenly becomes known.  Life moves forward from that point with everything seen through a new lens, refocused and reconsidered.  Both you and your world are new and fresh.

Regularly examine your Beliefs for the presence and quantity of Truth.  As a Neutral Observer, weigh how you came to form the Belief.  Why do you Believe what you do?  What does it serve, or whom?  Does it empower you--falsely or truly?  Do you use the Belief to hide behind?  Was the Belief handed down to you by family or community, or did you come to it by your own experience and thought mechanisms?

Today:  examine the Belief that you hold as most True.  When did you begin believing this Belief?  Did you inherit the Belief or did you form it by yourself?  If you formed the Belief by yourself, what experiences caused you to form it?  Have you grown and changed since you first realized you believed this Belief?  Why has this Belief remain unchanged, even as you have changed?

At the end of the day, what have you discovered about this Belief?  What have you discovered about how you interact with your world while under the influence of this Belief?  How much Truth was incorporated in your Belief and how much UNtruth?  How has this Belief affected your decision-making and therefore, your life course, in just this last year?

We predict that you will be surprised by how little Truth your primary Beliefs are formed upon.  Truth may be experienced by the open heart and mind as singular and evident to all who seek it--a product of source--while Beliefs are merely reflections.

Be willing to leave behind the delusions and false 
comfort of Beliefs for the greater vibration of Truth.

Miracles do not occur in the presence of falsehoods.

Blessed Be,

This is a Direct Voice Communication

From my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of The Veil.

April 10, 2014

Photo by Paul Talbot on Unsplash

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


(This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe)

What is meant by another saying to you, “That is your Fifth,” when they mean it as a compliment in reference to the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven?  They could mean that they feel a particular work of yours is thus far, your most outstanding, most identifiable, most important, or most tantamount of your life.  In any regard, it is a high compliment.

Do you have a Fifth Symphony planned?  Amid all of the other music you are writing in your life, are you planning something grand that defines who you are and what you believe in?  Perhaps it is a piece of music or a painting or a quilt.  Maybe it is simply a perfectly blended tea or enduring patience and compassion.  Maybe your ‘Fifth’ will be the ability to hear Great All’s Song in the simplest of things.

Do not believe that your Fifth is something that human history must speak of.  Your Fifth is your personal accomplishment, your own benchmark; something that is important to you.  Don’t let others tell you what is necessary and of value.  Seek that for yourself.

Compose your own Fifth.  Only you can.

“Thus Fate Knocks At The Door.”  This is the central motif (or is it?)
 for Ludwig van Beethoven’s most famous work, or so says 
the lore surrounding this symphony.  Beethoven was known to say 
anything to deflect curious pests.  He was living in occupied Austria and 
spiraling downward with his increasing deafness in the years 
it was written (1804-1808).  It became associated with his life and musical style.*****     
 (notes composed to myself following transmission)

Saturday, April 5, 2014


(This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe)

What are your first thoughts upon waking?  Joy?  Dread?  Perplexity?  How you wake is a great indicator for how well your life is satisfying your Spiritual needs.

If you awake with a sense of joy for what is ahead of you, your Spirit is highly pleased with how you plan to spend your day.  Your life is likely balanced and prioritized in ways that consider what is necessary to feed body, mind, Spirit, and Soul.  You feel at home on Mother Earth and have a sense of the Great All around you and your place in it.  You have purpose and vision.

When dread is your first thought of the day, what is happening?  What creates the weight that compresses your heart?  Are you experiencing a time of retrograde challenge, or are you living a life of illusion where you believe the lie that everything good is beyond you and your control?  Is your personal energy so low that the body, mind, Spirit, and Soul are starved?  Do you feel outcast and finite and hopeless, without purpose or solution?

What if perplexity is the motto for your day?  Nothing makes sense to you.  You feel false.  The world and its people feel false.  You move like an automaton through your day, pretending to feel something, responding where appropriate, but inside you are disturbed that there isn’t something more—when there should be more—something that is just outside your reach.

How do you wake?  How do you Task?  What is your Life?  Is life a series of events that can be considered Tasks?  I did this and then I did this and then I did this?

What is Life and what were you born to do?  Are these questions meant to be answered or merely contemplated?  Tasking creates opportunities for learning.  It brings together paths and people.  It illuminates means and manners.

So, yes, wash the floor:  but, what do you notice about your breath while you wash the floor?  Was there beauty in the sun striking the wet tiles as you washed the floor?  Did you notice that the movements you used could be dance-like, and that you could move your feet and your arms and practice suspending time as you washed the floor?  Could you capture for just a moment, a spark of magic by anchoring yourself in the present—instead of the forward moment when the task would be finished?

We do not suggest that you will do your Tasking consciously each and every time, but that by doing some Tasks consciously, you will change your experience of Life, and therefore your experience of your days, and your experience of how you meet your days.  With some small shifts in perception, you could start waking with more joy and less dread, more belonging and less perplexity.

As you move through you Tasks together, trying hovering in the present at random moments.  Try feeling the Earth moving beneath you and wishing Her well.  Trying feeling yourself as part of the greater whole and understanding how you are integral to the Great All’s symphony.  You matter and what you contribute matters.

To dream is wonderful. 
 To cease dreaming and awake is wonderful beyond measure.

Friday, April 4, 2014


(This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe)

Every structure has its limitations.  There are a finite amount of cycles that any creation will enjoy before it is permanently transformed.  You can watch a corn plant do this is one season.  Your feline and canine companions will make their transitions in one to two decades.  Even warrior trees will have their day, as will the Earth and the Sun.  Nothing material is permanent, no matter how we think of it.

It is the Spirit or Anima of the creation that gives it intelligence and life; it is the conductor of all of the notes it brings together; it is the driving force and sense-maker of the Song that we hear.  A Co-Creator gathers the materials to make an object, directing those components into a unified field that presents to the witnesses an experience of what he or she was striving to express.  Nothing that exists today, that is conceivable, has been left to random notation.

Every object in your world that you may perceive and experience has been Created and/or Co-Created by the High Mind and Will of others like you.  You are an extension of your environment and your environment is an extension of you.  You are inseparable.

Realized in this way, harm to others and harm to the world is harm to the self.  Some religious systems teach this, but overall, few peoples on Earth failingly follow these principles.  Why?

The Withstanding Forces of any Creation are woven into its Song.  It resists having its unique music broken down into component pieces which lack direction.  Once built, the Song becomes cohesive.  Try dislodging from your mind a favorite melody.  Once heard, it lingers.  Once a pattern, it lives.  Life wants to live.

Practice hearing your World today.  Hear the music of the Creations that make your World.  Rather than forming a barricade against the magic that surrounds you, pretending to be superior and alone, give the Songs reception.  Live each day, even if briefly, inside the Grand Chorus, and see how quickly it changes your heart.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


When you look into Earth Mother’s wounds, you will see frayed lines of energy, places where the frequencies have difficulties moving from one place to the next place. These areas of disturbance are similar to the wounds on your own mortal body. In most cases, left alone they will heal. Cut nerves will rejoin. Blood and lymph vessels will remeet, cells will replicate, and new skin will form barriers to the outside environment.

Typically speaking, however, when a wound has been dealt to the Earth Mother, it is just a beginning to more wounding. We do not speak of the simple turning of soil for spring’s garden, or making a footprint on which to sit your home, but of deep and devastating changes that are disruptive to Earth Mother’s body on whole.

Occasional events, such as the tsunami, hurricane, volcanic eruption and tornado, are Earth Mother’s immune system reacting to some stimuli or counter-reacting to some stimuli. As an organism Herself, She can mediate only so much before Her immune system reacts with a catastrophic backblow of some sort. You have experienced this in your lifetime, and you have seen these events occurring with more frequency. 

Therefore, you know that your Earth Mother is at Her limits in mediating Her own response to returning Her organism to homeostasis. Chaos is the next stage in the immune response. For all concerned, this is a very undesirable outcome.

Therefore, we offer to you a simple contribution. As you consider the growth and empowerment of your Spirit Self, contribute to your Host Mother in the same manner. As your perform healing for Your Self, contribute the same to your Host Mother. Consider your Earth Mother as your True Mother. Accord Her the same respect and Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

April 3, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


How does a person come to be two-minded? How can Creation reformulate itself by redistributing its consciousness, only to find that shortly after, its embers have gone so far rogue as to be unrecognizable? How is it that what was once harmonic can become so deviant as to become self-destructive, even destructive to its own host? It is will—individual, personal will—the gift to each Co-Creator as it leaves Great All’s womb.

To offer answers beyond this is to speak untruth, for the reasons are as myriad and as false as their thinkers and makers. How then, with the heart of Earth divided, are you to help protect your Mother planet (beyond the obvious choices of responsible living)? Through Grid Healing.

In your own body and in the layers of your greater being, a grid exists that outlays its dimensions and gives depths and breadth and scope to your form. It is seen in different manners while in your mortal state: many see it as bright white and/or bright blue electric lines that mimic the shape of the physical body and also arc outside it to follow the looser etheric body.

Healers use this grid as a roadmap to sight trouble and disease. The Earth, too, has a similar and visible energy pattern that some call a grid.  Some call these the Ley Lines or Lines of Power, and your sciences admit that though they connect places of significance and show patterns, they haven’t a definitive idea what their meaning is, even though the electromagnetic fields directly over these lines is clearly different.

In the same way that you can visualize your physical and etheric body as clean, strong, fit, and whole, you can image the same for Mother Earth. Do well by making good choices for the Earth and then do one step better by taking the time to visualize healing for Her and spending time to mend the breaks and fraying in the electrical lines that form the constructs of her organic and etheric body. Give back to the source of Love that gives so freely to you.

We will follow in days to come with specific rituals that can be used for healing Mother Earth. Until then, turn your healing thoughts to Her, especially in those areas where She is enjoying Her spring and emerging with new life. To add your voice to that song is to blend with Her harmonies for new beginnings. In areas where She is shutting down for sleep, add your voice to Her lullabies. This too is commingling with Love.

You are there, and part of
Recognize this. 
Pretending to be separate does not make you separate
It keeps you blind. 
To see, merely open your eyes.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

April 2, 2014

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Monday, March 31, 2014


What is Service to Humanity, or Service to any group? Is it Sacrifice? Assistance? Mediation? Sharing? Diplomacy? Compassion? Teaching? Peacekeeping? War-making? The answers are as varied as the opponents who would argue against the same.

Do you give Service when you set strong boundaries for a person intent on harming themselves or others? What if by saving that person, he or she goes on to kill a thousand in the future, alone and unstable without someone to set strong boundaries for them again? How then, does the first act of saving that person from themselves appear to your heart and mind—to your compassion—according to a future outcome such as that?

Service cannot be measured in these terms. We will state this once more: Service cannot be measured in these terms.

Service is any act given in compassion and truth that at the time, is perceived to benefit the highest good. Let that act stand alone. Do not think it forward. “If I give this person money, will they spend it on agents for self destruction (drugs or alcohol, etc.) rather than agents for good (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)?”       

Offer Service in the moment, according to what can best be perceived as the action supporting the highest good. If you believe that the highest Service is inviting a person to shelter and food rather than giving them money for shelter and food, by all means, offer that form of Service. There is no need to judge, except within yourself, whether or not you are rightly hearing how you are called to act. 

The boundaries of Service are governed by your abilities to see and perceive them, negotiate them, and integrate them into your life. Service is not only a matter for humanity. It includes everything that exists in the Great All. Everything that crawls, swims, flies, walks, and wanders amid the glories of Gaia and her Ethers are included in your opportunities for Service, as well as the other realms wherein dwell your Spirit Brethren.

Service is the outflow of your Divine Self to others, 
when given in its highest form.
It is Love, given purely. 

It may come wrapped with different faces, 
but its core is that of Great All, 
recognized and shared, 
and therefore made manifest and multiplied.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 31, 2014