Your Ritual practices expose your Beliefs, and that exposes who you are currently busy pretending to be. Do you know who that is at this moment?
Is this character in the play a person whom you would be proud to know and glad to spend time with? Do they possess things of value to share, from which you can learn and illuminate your life? Are they wise and kind and compassionate? Do they have courage and strength? How does your family and community see this character you play?
The activities—and thoughts and feelings—that make up your days are Rituals, when they have become habit. How health-building and expansive are your Rituals? With what frequency do your Rituals bear out Truths that banish lies? Do you use Rituals for growing your Self or do you use them for hiding?
Understand Ritual: the cup of coffee made in the morning with a survey of last night’s dreams or the day ahead: “how-are-you?” – “I’m-fine-thank-you” ; throwing spilled salt over your shoulder; making the sign of the cross; saying grace; weddings; funerals. From small and rather unconscious Rituals to large and serious ones, you are surrounded, every day, by Ritual.
How many ceremonies do you engage in consciously, to uplift conditions, and how many to degrade conditions? Make no mistake: when you look in the mirror and say to yourself “not good enough,” repeating this as a mantra, it has become Ritual—as it is when you thrust this idea upon others.
How many ceremonies do you engage in unconsciously, to falsely elevate yourself, separate yourself, remove yourself from blame, or resist change? When you feel “not part of,” “not good enough,” or “not complete,” even beneath your thoughts, you are engaging in Ritual self abuse, and quite likely acting out your internal Beliefs somewhere in your external Beliefs and environments.
We are creatures of Ritual. This is not to be synonymous with stagnant conditions or un-illuminated predictability. This is to be joyfully part of Great All’s harmonious whole and Its glorious rhythms.
Many persons, here and there, meditate and pray, taking still moments to find Their centers and contemplate Their present place and condition. This is Ritual. Though it is sometimes maladaptive or imbalanced in its use or construction, for the most part, it serves a higher condition for those whom engage in the Ritual.
Sleep Rituals and waking Rituals are also common. Birth, death, and other transitional Rituals such as child-to-adult, wedding, graduation, promotion, and induction ceremonies are also powerful and positive in many societies. You yourself are changing each day, aren’t you?
What Rituals might you invite into your Life in order to promote peace, wisdom, clear-seeing, and compassion? How might advancing your Self and the character you play ease your days and increase your joy?
Nothing has more power than Ritual for creating change. For as you repeat intentions—making them conscious and positive—you invite growth that exponentially shifts What Is. Small or Large, Ritual declares the path, and Your returning footsteps illuminate it.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: December 27, 2014
visual by Walks With Fire
****From Cathrina: below are two links to one of my favorite mantras, from the Hebrew. I'll let the web-links speak for themselves, neither agreeing, nor disagreeing, with the philosophy, but offering a resource as a starting point:
"Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth"